Workshops and Show in San Antonio, TX with Mariyah, Raquy Danziger and Rami El Aasser

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Raquy, Rami and Mariyah will teach workshops Saturday March 8th and the next day, March 9th at the The Synergy Studio in San Antonio.

Saturday, March 8th Raquy Danziger will give a concert of the music from her dreamy new album “Bal Dudak” that she made in Istanbul, Turkey. The concert will feature her amazing instrument, the 12 string King Kemenche Tarhu as well as smoking Turkish style Darbuka compositions. With her with be Rami El-Asser, special guest artists, and featured dancer will be Mariyah of New York.

The first act will feature invited belly dancers and musicians from around Texas.

Doors open at 6:30 p.m.. Show at 7pm.

Mariyah’s Workshops:

Contemporary Sword Fusion Saturday 11:30-1:30pm
The sword dance is traditionally used as part of an oriental dance show to display the dancer’s strength and skill and to convey a feeling of power and drama.
The narrative element of the prop lends itself beautifully to fusion. Mariyah will teach a fusion sword choreography featuring innovative ways of utilizing the sword in your dance. This workshop will invoke elements of the classic and timeless oriental dance performance while harnessing the innate power and grace of the sword itself for a martial feeling and dramatic approach. Technique emphasis will be on ways to use the sword creatively as well as balancing and exercises for fluid and strong floorwork for an effortless and dynamic performance.

Dynamic Drum SoloBecoming one with the dance and drummer! – Saturday 2-3:30pm – Mariyah and Rami El Aasser

This workshop is specially designed to cover must-know Middle Eastern rhythms, show-stopping shimmy drills and percussive movements, learn many dynamic tools of the trade that Mariyah uses in t drum solo performances that can help a dancer to communicate with a drummer throughout the performance and leave an everlasting impression on an audience.

Expressive Veil – Sunday, 11:30-1:30pm

Timeless, expressive and magical, the veil can be a partner, allegory, illustration and an extension of your movement. Learn new techniques to and explore different dimensions to make this prop a meaningful part of your dance. Please bring a Veil

San Antonio TX

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