Upcoming Event
Bellydance Sword Workshop in NYC
Jan 26, 2025
2:00 pm
Sword for the Cabaret Bellydance Show
Sunday, January 26th
Sunday, January 26th
Learn to effective use this impressive prop in the context of your bellydance set.
We will go over:
– Handling of the sword, posture and line
– Different balancing points and optional floorwork
– Varied music and moods
– Varied music and moods
$55 in advance (24 hours before) 0r $65 at the door.
$55 in advance (24 hours before) 0r $65 at the door.
Special early bird rate! $50 paid by December 27th
Battery Dance Studio
380 Broadway, 5th Floor
Battery Dance Studio
380 Broadway, 5th Floor
To register:
Send your payment specifying the workshop(s) you are registering for, along with your NAME & Email address via:
Venmo: @Elizabeth-Mariyah
Cashapp: $MariyahElizabeth
Zelle: 347-743-6545
PayPal: www.Paypal.me/mariyahdances
Battery Danc 380 Broadway NY, NY
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